May 2019

31 May 19

Abro Industries, out of Indiana, makes and sells products under the “Made in the USA” label. Abro sells products like duct tape and epoxy glue, and does quite well in emerging economies. Abro’s Tim Demarias scours the world seeking to open new markets. At one point, Tim noticed that sales were down considerably, and suspected counterfeiters. In an NPR broadcast entitled “The Stolen Company”, Tim recounts his adventures in chasing down one particularly ruthless counterfeiter out of China. Here’s the transcript of the broadcast:

[NPR HOST]: Anyways, Tim couldn't figure this out. Why were his sales slipping?
[NPR HOST]: And then he heard from a customer who had seen some counterfeit Abro products in China.
[NPR HOST]: Tim gets on a plane to investigate. His first stop is this trade show that everyone in his business goes to.

11 May 19

Many lawyers, especially litigators, perceive qualities such as empathy, authenticity, and collaborative spirit that are essential for success in relationships and in most other professions to be liabilities in the practice of law. These lawyers may feel compelled to leave those qualities outside the office rather than harnessing the enormous positive energy that those qualities can provide to fuel their work. It’s no wonder that so many lawyers have low psychic energy and feel disconnected from their authentic selves in doing their jobs.

Robert Holland.